Reach and Teach is excited to announce the addition of an engineering mini-series. This exciting addition can be completed by STEM, STEAM, Robotics, and Engineering classes in conjunction with the Concert Tour program, which is geared towards business, marketing, and entrepreneurship.
Throughout this new curriculum, students examine how engineering is utilized in the entertainment industry. Students will use the knowledge gained from this new series to research and develop a design to be used at a live entertainment event. The mini-series will give students the skills they need to design and develop a fully functional product specifically for the enhancement of consumer experience at the Reach and Teach concert on their school campus.

The engineering component was piloted by Russellville High School (Alabama) and Jeffersontown High School (Kentucky) in the Fall of 2019. Reach and Teach couldn't be more excited to officially roll out the new curriculum for Spring 2022.
To learn more about the engineering mini-series and check out the four all-inclusive lessons, click HERE.