How can feedback be used to improve the product?
How can you effectively evaluate and solicit real feedback?
Evaluation is key when developing a successful, functional design solution. The process of evaluating a prototype is a cycle that includes testing, gathering feedback, and making adjustments. This cycle is commonly referred to as iteration. Understanding how to test the prototype and from whom to gather feedback is an essential first step. First, let’s consider how to test a prototype.
Identify each specific element to test. Many design solutions have a number of moving parts designed to achieve a specific goal. Each of these functions should not only be tested together as a whole product, but also tested and evaluated separately to accurately assess its performance.
Develop clear criteria. Establishing a set of clear questions to ask yourself during evaluation will assist in determining the criteria needed for indicators of success and opportunities for improvement.
Choose a method for evaluation. Choosing the right method for evaluation will be dependent upon your goals and evaluation criteria. Rubrics, surveys, quantitative measures, and other assessments are highly effective evaluation methods and can all be used at various stages of the evaluation process.
Next, let’s consider from whom feedback should be gathered.
Identify your stakeholders. Stakeholders of a design solution project may include the client, the client’s target market, the client’s investors and potentially the client’s competitors. Background research plays an integral role in the evaluation process.
Solicit colleagues. Team members, designers, and other industry professionals could potentially offer advice and feedback crucial to the success of the design solution. Ultimately, don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Life application: It takes a team to achieve success.
Upon completion of this lesson, students will develop the skills through which they may:
Test, evaluate, and modify a design in relation to criteria and constraints.
Create a report explaining the engineering project, using industry-recognized guidelines to describe it from initiation to completion.
Design and present a multimedia presentation describing the design solution project to an appropriate audience.
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