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Defining Your Why

Two months into the school year... how are we feeling teachers? By now, you've most likely finally attached students' names to faces (then again, maybe not).

The thing is, the further you get into the school year, the easier it is to get comfortable in your role. While comfortable can be a good thing, it can also be easy to forget your "why."

Why did you become a teacher?

Maybe this is your 1st year of teaching, and maybe it's your 20th. As time goes by, passion can blur into a mundane routine. Sometimes we need a reminder of our "why."

Let's go back to college for a second... remember being that passionate college student who was eager to make an impact on students' lives? Raising your hand, participating in discussions, and studying so you could be the best teacher you could possibly be as soon as your student teaching was up. As soon as you received that diploma, you received a key that would unlock the classroom where students would walk in, and their lives would be changed forever.

Back to reality... do you still feel like this? Maybe you do! Maybe, you just needed a little refresher, and that's totally normal!

The truth is, you showing up to work every day is invaluable to those students. They need you. You have a responsibility to those students and to society. The knowledge you bring them sets them up for success for the rest of their lives.

Tell me something I don't know!

I know you've probably heard it all before, but sometimes it doesn't hurt to be reminded of these things. Teachers need to get poured into as well; they shouldn't be running on empty because then there's nothing left to pour into students when it's all said and done.

So, before we go too far into the school year, I thought it'd be helpful to refresh your "why."


Check out this video-- You are your students' champion!

"I am somebody. I was somebody when I came. I'll be a better somebody when I leave. I am powerful, and I am strong. I deserve the education that I get here. I have things to do, people to impress, and places to go."

What makes you think this doesn't apply to you?

You are somebody.

You were somebody when you came.

You'll be a better somebody when you leave.

You are powerful, you are strong.

You deserve to be teaching the youth of our America.

You have things to do, people to impact,

and places to go.

So, what now?

  • Show up with a purpose.

  • Let the students take ownership of their learning.

  • Make learning engaging.

  • Choose relatable content.

  • Constantly look for ways to grow.

Every morning we get to choose a mindset-- choose to remember your "why."

The students will notice this, and maybe you can inspire a "why" in their lives.


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