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How would a marketing agency, entrepreneur, or television producer benefit from setting goals for each specific client or project? 



In order to be successful, setting goals is an absolute must.  Putting goals in place will allow you to control your focus and find your direction. Goals act as benchmarks that help you to monitor your progress and gage your success. Think about it – if your goal is to raise $1,000 for breast cancer research, and so far, you have raised $500, it is easy to see you are halfway to meeting your goal. Not all goals are as simple as this example. In fact, personal and professional goals are generally much more complex.  That is why knowing how to set goals is just as important as the actual goal, itself.  The first step in the goal-setting process is to carefully consider the outcome you want to achieve.  One should also understand hard work is crucial to accomplishing your goal.  Using the SMART technique, will help to ensure your goals are meaningful and effectively designed. The SMART technique requires goals to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.  


Specific. Having a specific goal will aid in identifying the direction you plan to take action. Remember, until you know exactly where you want to go, you will have a hard time getting there.  


Measurable. In order to serve as a benchmark for success, goals must be measurable, meaning it has quantitative value. For example, instead of setting a vague goal, such as “reduce customer complaints”, simply say “reduce customer complaints by 5% in the next 2 months.” This detailed value gives you a point at which you can measure your success.  


Attainable. Setting attainable goals may seem like common sense. However, don’t forget to be realistic. Be honest with yourself. If you set goals that are unattainable, you will only end up frustrated and your confidence will suffer.  On the other hand, don’t set goals that are too easy. Goals should be meant to challenge you and help you grow.  


Relevant. Ensure your short-term and long-term goals align. Ask yourself, “Is this goal relevant to the long-term results I want to achieve and the direction I want to pursue?”  


Time bound. Set a deadline for your goals.  Seeing the finish line will provide a sense of urgency and motivation to achieve your goals.  


The SMART technique can be adjusted and applied to fit any goal. When establishing your SMART goals for this unit, consider the purpose of producing an entertainment broadcast. Obviously, raising funds is an enormous benefit.  However, the entertainment broadcast is also designed to provide additional benefits, such as improving school climate and demonstrating effective marketing strategies. In this lesson, students will examine SMART goal examples, develop SMART goals pertaining to the entertainment broadcast, and ultimately understand the importance of setting professional and financial goals in their own personal lives.   


Do not be afraid to use your own experiences with setting goals as an example. For example, weight loss is a common focus of goal setting. What other goals have you set for yourself? Were you successful? Explain why or why not? Students learn best through examples relatable to their own personal lives.  Encourage students to share their personal goal-setting experiences, as well.  



Upon completion of this lesson, students will develop the skills through which they may:  â€‹â€‹


  • Understand the importance of setting personal, professional, and financial goals. 

  • Gain motivation to set personal, professional, and financial goals. 

  • Analyze goal examples and their compliance with SMART techniques. 

  • Develop goals pertaining to the culminating activity using SMART techniques. 


Click HERE to see the full lesson plan with activities. 

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